Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

look what I found

"There is a gauze filter under that tiny rivet"
...i've lost that tiny cap of my 28IF does it look like(gauze filter), never seen a photo here of it
...what is the purpose of that filter, to filter outgoing excess fuel or incoming air for some reason
...asking this because i'm having still big running problems after many many different approaches to owercome starting/running probs..
Hi Orsome, when I had problems with fuel coming out of the top cap, I ordered a new gasket set and then took my carburetor apart.

I believe that if the carb is flooded, due to heat and pressure, it will exit through that cap.
From the inside, look at the left hand side in the photo. It is the flat round brass disc. I don't know how it is opened to see the filter.

Below that disc is a large brass nut. That is the needle valve which works with the plastic float (right side in photo)
Mr Reno suggested that perhaps my needle valve was sticking and letting in too much fuel, or that the float was faulty.

The float looked OK, so I just cleaned everything inside with carb cleaner and air from a compressor.
There is also a filter in the brass pipe where fuel enters the carb from the fuel pump. Just unscrew that brass pipe to discover it. It looks very fragile so handle with care.
But I'm sure you know this:)

One of my biggest carb problems was the idle mixture screw. It's no use adjusting that screw in and out if the passage is blocked. So make sure its cleaned out completely so that if you spray carb cleaner in the hole, you can see it come out the other side. only then can you set the screw. The point of the screw should also be checked for damage.

So after all the cleaning and with new gaskets, and with Mr Reno's advice, my problem disappeared. Here is the carb photo of the inside
I had problems with a replacement needle valve. It came with a carb refurb kit bought off eBay. It seemed to work well - I could test it by blowing through it. But in reality it got stuck causing fuel to overspill onto a boiling hot manifold . Thank goodness it didn't ignite ! Refitting the original solved the problem. Curiously my mixture screw doesn't seem to make much difference. Although it runs great. Maybe I'll give it a blow through with carb cleaner too :waving:
I do remember the episode with your needle valve from ebay. It just proves how easy it is for a car to catch alight!

Jonathan, turning my mixture screw also made no difference at all, which was a problem for me when I had to change my emissions reading at the MOT.
I sprayed carb cleaner and then stripped some electrical flex and used the thin copper wire to poke the gunk out of the hole. Admittedly, my carb was off at the time.
I had problems with a replacement needle valve. It came with a carb refurb kit bought off eBay. It seemed to work well - I could test it by blowing through it. But in reality it got stuck causing fuel to overspill onto a boiling hot manifold . Thank goodness it didn't ignite ! Refitting the original solved the problem. Curiously my mixture screw doesn't seem to make much difference. Although it runs great. Maybe I'll give it a blow through with carb cleaner too :waving:

********Intresting, i've also had a repair kit from Franzöze(if remember rigth), i mounted it and have had all kinds of funny stuff with carb.Then i read th thread about gas level and tried to chech rigth measure from needle valve tip(tip not pushed in) to the leveled surface.It' was quite difficult when i found out that radius and R on the neck to be screwed in was slightly different and began most probably to leak.Then i tried to find a copper shim ring to get it tigth and make the needed measurement.Next problem was that leveled surface was too off from the needle and was almost impossible to nbe measured with my "calibe gauge"? tail.I assumed that difference was almost one millimeter more than the old one. Where to find a new one similar to old one?

Mixture screw, tip is slightly worn or broken and is most probably difficult to adjust properly.Again, where to find a new one to 28IF?
I do remember the episode with your needle valve from ebay. It just proves how easy it is for a car to catch alight!

Jonathan, turning my mixture screw also made no difference at all, which was a problem for me when I had to change my emissions reading at the MOT.
I sprayed carb cleaner and then stripped some electrical flex and used the thin copper wire to poke the gunk out of the hole. Admittedly, my carb was off at the time.

Guys at work told me that gasoline used nowadays is so poor that it stucks all carbs during longer stoppages.It's due resisns these new E88 and E85 icludes.
For a 4troke new grassclippers you have to use a special "small tool mixture" which you can purchase in 4liters cans.Cost is here around 17-25 Euro for approx 4 liter can.
The same matter concern also new 2 stroke motorsaw, there is available ready made special gas for them as well with same price level.
If you dont use those your carbs get stucked of the resins if not used "continuously".
Of course you can use those additives which add new gas serving times.
A straigth susnligt is also "poison" to any gasoline in short period if stored in plastic cans.
Hi guys . Yes the replacement needle valve looked perfect -a direct replacement . But some how it occasionally got stuck causing the flood. I'm back on Womble duty tomorrow . Currently in the warm pub with a pint opposite my house! Been snow today so tomorrow moring I'm going to have a tinker - maybe check out the 'volume ' screw as its called :drunk:
Been struggling all day to put this video up.
Thanks for your help Giulietta
I had no trouble putting it up on Youtube and then copying the code that they gave me. So hope it works
it seems to work, all that effort for just 30 seconds of video:)
It is totally worth it! i love the sound of the engine running!!!
A lot of that sound comes from my silencer, which has something loose inside rattling around, much like a pebble in a tin can:)
Ha ha my garage is right next door to my neighbour Jill. Jill is in her late 70's and fortunately loved me working in the garage. Brought me tea and biscuits and would come for a chat too. I think she misses me being in there every evening ;)
Well Mojo, hmmm what can I say more than my fingers are itching for another project :D
No Sutree, no welding and only a little surface rust.

Removed all the mud with a wire brush and it's looking a lot better. now I have to use anti-rust and then protective paint
Also fitted new brakes but I can't bleed them! Must be a blockage somewhere.

Before and after brake photos.
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