..My god Pepper.
..You sound like that old Churchill insurance dog...Oh yes...
Now Angel as luck would have it, you have ignited an old memory..In my parents time, when and if they were lucky enough to holiday in Greece they would bring home bottles of Ouzo and Tsipuro - we are talking 1940's / 50's - As it was fire water they would have to mix it with something and after the war the only juice we English could get was dear old beetroot juice - Being rather adventurous they would mix Ouzo with beetroot juice to make it more palatable.
I have recently been diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure and to my amazement my elderly Doctor told me to drink lots of Ouzo and beetroot juice to lower my blood pressure - I know it sounds pretty awful but I have to tell you that my blood pressure has gone down from 126 over 84 to Zero in six weeks - I couldn't believer it - Absolutely brilliant.
So Angel dear boy, you bring the Ouzo and Tsipuro and I will bring the beetroot juice and for any of us that is prepared to have a healthy cocktail, we will all live for ever...