Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Road trip 2011 - Thenay 50th Anniversary

The French don't think much of our cuisine as it is, pigs in blankets and custard would be a step too far! How about that good old English dish, chicken curry washed down with a bottle of lager, Mmm. Hey, the time is flying by, only 41/2 months to THE show, it should be quite a party. IM SO EXCITED!!:D
Bluebell, pigs in blankets are those lovely fatty English sausages, wrapped in lovely English bacon, then baked in the oven with a lovely turkey. Judith generally does them at Xmas dinner and we did them for our French neighbours when they came for Xmas dinner. Since then when ever they come to dinner they want to know if we're doing pigs in blankets again. ;)
..You never stop Pepper..

..One minute you are in France photographing R4's in supermarket car parks and next minute pulling all our leggings, rabbiting on about Pigs in Blankets

Don't believe him Bluebell, he is talking about Angels on Horsebacks - These are the Real Pigs in Blankets

Talking of Angels - How are you doing in sunny Greeceland Angel?
It's actually cloudy Greeceland these days, Ian...

Speaking of Thenay, and local specialties, will ouzo and/or tsipouro be a good idea for drinks? These are "high octane number racing fuels" as we engineers would call them ;-)
Speaking of Thenay, and local specialties, will ouzo and/or tsipouro be a good idea for drinks? These are "high octane number racing fuels" as we engineers would call them ;-)

OH YES!! :eek:
..My god Pepper.

..You sound like that old Churchill insurance dog...Oh yes...

Now Angel as luck would have it, you have ignited an old memory..In my parents time, when and if they were lucky enough to holiday in Greece they would bring home bottles of Ouzo and Tsipuro - we are talking 1940's / 50's - As it was fire water they would have to mix it with something and after the war the only juice we English could get was dear old beetroot juice - Being rather adventurous they would mix Ouzo with beetroot juice to make it more palatable.

I have recently been diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure and to my amazement my elderly Doctor told me to drink lots of Ouzo and beetroot juice to lower my blood pressure - I know it sounds pretty awful but I have to tell you that my blood pressure has gone down from 126 over 84 to Zero in six weeks - I couldn't believer it - Absolutely brilliant.

So Angel dear boy, you bring the Ouzo and Tsipuro and I will bring the beetroot juice and for any of us that is prepared to have a healthy cocktail, we will all live for ever...
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i have an allotment full of beetroot
I admit I have never tried experimenting with's common to mix it with water here, but not any other juice/refreshment.

I always had and still have low blood pressure...could this have something to do with ouzo? ;-)
Hello folks, greetings from sunny Cornwall. If there are any R4 owners in the Westcountry thinking about making the trip to Thenay in July, here are our plans so far for the journey. We are going to catch the Wednesday afternoon ferry from Plymouth and then spend the night in the Ibis Hotel in Roscoff. Not sure yet where our Thursday night stop will be, but we have booked three nights at the Le Vinci in Amboise for the weekend. That's about 30km from the venue, so not to bad. No plans yet for Monday night, but we catch the Tueday afternoon ferry back to Plymouth. Might do a bit of a circular route to and from the event, to take in some sights. So if anybody would like to join us that would be great. All the best, Brian.:cool:
Hi. I'm now thinking of extending the trip a bit to take in the drive down the Champs Elysee which I believe is being planned by the Dutch and Belgian enthusiasts. I've heard that Paris can be, "a bit of an experience" to drive in, so that should be fun.:cool:
Have you been in contact with the Belgians to see what their plans are? I'd be quite up for a drive through Paris too ;)
Hi Pepper, I've not checked out their plans yet, the Belgian clubs website is, so I will try this. It was Mrs Renospeed that first mentioned there was an idea to drive through Paris, so Derek and Becky might know more, or indeed any of our Dutch or Belgian friends who visit this forum. It would be nice if a group of us Brits could join the parade.:)
I've not checked it out yet, but if they are doing the drive through on the way home then I'd be interested, but I seem to remember someone saying they were doing it on the to Thenay.

I'm out on the road at the moment but if I get a chance I will check their wen site out.
I've made contact with a member of the Belgian 4l club, and he is going to get back to me, with hopefully their plans. Anybody else interested in a drive through Paris apart from Pepper and me?:smile:
Hi David, I think just going to the big event at Thenay is what it's all about, don't you agree.:cool:
I have had a message from BlueGreen, one of our Dutch forum members. Some of the Dutch enthusiasts are doing Paris on the way to Thenay, as you rightly said Pepper. The rest of them are avoiding Paris on the 14th, Bastille Day. It looks like the big celebration is planned for August 3rd, the day the 4l was born.
Too bad that the 4L International will not take place on 3rd of August. I would like to be in Paris that exact moment!