Last two days i am taking apart coolant system on my R4.
First i have drained old antifriz and then fill it up with water and sodium bicarbonate. And run with that water for 15-20min. Idea was to soften particles in engine block, radiator and heater matrix.
Not sure will that help and how much.
Yesterday cleaned expansion bottle, radiator and waterpump.
It took me almost one hour to achive clean water coming out from radiator.
I was filling out radiator with water, shake it well and drane that water. So much mud and small particles came out.
After one hour i reached situation that no mud or particles are coming out except redish water. Will leave it like that.
Did not take any picture of that proces.
But did pictures waterpump that was leaking around gasket.

And it was full of antifriz cristals.

Inside pump is in good shape. Spinning easily and without play. I am going to put new gaskez and put it back on the car.
I made autocad drawing of the waterpump gaskets if anyone need it to make his own gasket let me know. Can send it via email.
I tried to flush engine block with water but not much came out. Actally very soon water came out clears almost same as it came in. I even opened that plug on the back of the engine beside chain. But no water came out from their.
Did i done something wrong?
Today task drain heater matrix same way i drained radiator.